Lighting the Way to Better Transportation
Lighting the Way to Better Transportation
Born from a decade-long journey pioneering collaborative transportation software and services in Germany, Katina established Alight Mobility with a mission to ignite positive innovation right here in Michigan.
We are dedicated to transforming transportation. We offer consulting, research, and innovative solutions that enhance accessibility, affordability, and sustainability in mobility.
Alight Mobility has partnered with a cutting-edge design and research firm. Together, we're working on a state-funded project aimed at enhancing our understanding of commuter behavior and its potential to make a significant positive impact on our community. Our primary focus is on reducing barriers, traffic congestion, and parking requirements while making the most of our existing infrastructure.
We would love to hear about your ideas, questions, and projects.
Alight Mobility L.C.
Copyright © 2023 Alight Mobility L.C. - All Rights Reserved.
Made with love in Michigan